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Selva Verde Lodge Blog

SCLC30If you’ve been to Selva Verde Lodge you may well know about the Sarapiquí Conservation Learning Center, commonly known as the Learning Center. Perhaps you enjoyed a charla or visit with a local community member at their home during a trip with Road Scholar, or perhaps you planted a tree at a local farm while visiting with your high school.



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SCLCphotographyworkshopAward-winning nature photographer Krisztina Scheeff led a free photography workshop at the Sarapiquí Conservation Learning Center tailored especially for naturalist guides to provide them with the opportunity to learn or improve their photography skills. The workshop was open to all skill levels, with a main focus on wildlife and nature photography, as the growing popularity of nature photography in the travel industry has made it a valuable skill for those working in this tourism specialty.

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Sarapiqui Christmas Bird 2021

The Christmas bird count began in 1985. It has an area of 452 square kilometers. In this first count reported 290 species and 5,792 individuals. Central point of the circle whose radius is 12 km., is the Post Magsasay 2.7 km to the south on the Peje River. With the good participation of bird lovers and with A rainy day in the morning and a sunny day in the afternoon are achieved quantify a total of 338 species and 6,613 individuals in the entire counting circle.


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Selva Verde Lodge & Private Reserve is widely known for its biodiversity. Home to a large number of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and insects, it is also one of the strategic spots for bird watching in Costa Rica. The reserve boasts a bird count of around 400 species including migratory birds. 

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The 2020 Christmas Bird Count in Sarapiqui took place on December 19, 2020.  This local Christmas bird count began in 1985. It has an area of 452 square km. In this first count, 290 species and 5,792 individuals were reported. The central point of the circle, whose radius is 12 km., Is from Magsasay Post, 2.7 km to the South on the Peje River.

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If you’ve visited Selva Verde before, you may recognize Iván Castillo, who was our lead naturalist guide for many years. In December, Iván went on to become a guide at the national level, but he recently returned to his home turf to lead a guided virtual hike in support of the Sarapiquí Conservation Learning Center.

In this webinar recording, Iván and his cameraman Luis Vega take us on a guided nature walk around the grounds of Selva Verde to learn about some of the region’s flora and fauna and answer viewer questions. You may even hear some Great Green Macaws and spot a frog or two. We hope you enjoy taking this journey with us!

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On Saturday October 28th, the SCLC will host a memorial to honor Bertha Carter and her lasting contributions to the Center that came to life from her vision.

Bertha’s Story

The SCLC was founded in 1993 with the help and support of Giovanna Holbrook, founder of Selva Verde Lodge & Private Reserve. Bertha, a co-pioneer and close friend of Giovanna’s, played a major role in the early days of Selva Verde. Having a background in nursing and social work proved useful and Bertha became the Lodge’s first manager. During that time Bertha became well known in the communities of Sarapiquí and Chilamate as a supporter of educational opportunities for local youth as well as a voice for empowerment of women in the region. After several years of working and growing the Selva Verde Lodge, Bertha approached Mrs. Holbrook about establishing a library with the purpose of providing local people access to knowledge, information and opportunities. Mrs. Holbrook shared Bertha’s vision and agreed to build the Center on the grounds of the Lodge, where it still stands today.

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