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“Real Time in the Rainforest of Costa Rica” with Iván Castillo

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If you’ve visited Selva Verde before, you may recognize Iván Castillo, who was our lead naturalist guide for many years. In December, Iván went on to become a guide at the national level, but he recently returned to his home turf to lead a guided virtual hike in support of the Sarapiquí Conservation Learning Center.

In this webinar recording, Iván and his cameraman Luis Vega take us on a guided nature walk around the grounds of Selva Verde to learn about some of the region’s flora and fauna and answer viewer questions. You may even hear some Great Green Macaws and spot a frog or two. We hope you enjoy taking this journey with us!

As an added bonus, Iván also led a separate video hike that takes viewers across the bridge into the Selva Verde Reserve, which unfortunately there wasn’t time for during the live presentation. (This version is also a little smoother, as it was pre-recorded and not dependent on the internet connection.)

Iván serves on the board of the Sarapiquí Conservation Learning Center, and in addition to sharing a taste of the rainforest, he hopes to raise awareness about the work the SCLC does. Its mission is to provide resources for the empowerment of communities in the canton of Sarapiquí through access to knowledge and the promotion of sustainable livelihoods.

Unfortunately, the Learning Center is currently facing a very challenging financial situation as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you are able and feel so inclined, please consider making a donation to the Sarapiquí Conservation Learning Center to help the Center meet their year-end fundraising goal.

If you’d like to stay up-to-date on the latest news from the SCLC, you can follow them on Facebook.

Written by : Christa Markley