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Another Exciting Season is Here!

SVLbirdmigration2022The bird migration has started, and hundreds of species have begun to take flight mainly from North America down to Central and South America. The migration is a movement that birds engage in to seek food, better climate conditions, and even reproduction. Out of the 929 bird species in Costa Rica, approximately 250 are migratory birds. The geographic location of Costa Rica makes the country have a great diversity of flora and fauna, especially avifauna.



As the country connects North and South America, the Costa Rican territory is a natural bridge that helps this phenomenon take place year after year. Selva Verde has different habitats, and this helps make birdwatching in the reserve a fruitful experience. The hotel has registered around 400 bird species within its property, which includes resident and migratory birds.
The majority of birdwatchers, ornithologists, and photographers visit us every year during this season in search of birding tours, since Selva Verde remains in the top-10 best hotspots for bird sightings according to eBird.

By Randy Alvarado & Fabiola Hernández, Naturalist Guides


Written by : Maria Ramirez