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Amphibian and Reptile Symposium Brings Experts to Selva Verde

Herp1SARAPIQUÍ, COSTA RICA - The III Amphibian and Reptiles Conservation International Symposium and Field Exploration was recently held at Selva Verde Lodge & Rainforest Reserve amidst primary forest in the Caribbean lowlands of Costa Rica. The symposium featured presentations and workshops, conservation and herpetological organizations and individuals.


Herp2There were numerous lectures herpetologists with extensive experience nationally and internationally at the Selva Verde Conference Center and activities to nearby parks and attractions, led by experts Herpetology. Costa Rica has one of the highest densities of herpetofauna in the world with more than 440 species of reptiles and amphibians.

Highlights included a tropical safari on the Sarapiquí River while searching for crocodiles, turtles, basilisks and iguanas. Another favorite was a visit to the Organization for Tropical Studies La Selva Biological Station. There were many talks during the symposium, including a talk featuring the herpetological work by Michelle Thompson in Costa Rica, entitled Recovery of Amphibian Communities in Regenerating Forest: Two Case Studies in Riparian and Upland Habitats of Secondary Forest, Costa Rica.

Conference attendees included Mark  O’Shea, famous herpetology researcher, photographer and   documentary expert, Hinrich Kaiser, one of the top representatives of integrative taxonomy  and  professor of field  herpetology, Ray Morgan director and producer of the Venom Interviewes,  Federico  Bolaños leading  Costarican  herpetologist, Abel Batista, leading  Panamanian  herpetologist, and César  Barrio-Amoros, taxonomist and herpetology tropical explorer for lectures  and field expeditions.




Written by : Christopher Bensley